Tuesday 27 October 2009

Mr Mappelthorpe

So a few weeks ago, the Mappelthorpe exhibition opened at the Alison Jacques Gallery on Berners St in London. PATTI FUCKING SMITH PLAYED.

The lovely Miss Lennard called me to tell me, I was working, I jumped in a cab. To cut a long story short, I missed it by about 30 seconds.

Anyway, the point being I went back on saturday (also my birthday incidentally, I'm old...)

Its well worth a visit, very beautiful. The exhibition also has a room dedicated entirely to his collage and paintings.

Before visiting the gallery I also went to Bob Bob Ricard for lunch, I HIGHLY reccomend it! Wonderfully camp and kitsch, the waiters all wear pink velvet double breasted tuxedos, and theres a button in each and every booth "press for champagne" also in the very same shade of flamingo! Brilliant!

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